Diabetic Retinopathy Screening in Europe
Moving Forward from the St. Vincent Declaration



Where next?

We plan to set up an email network and broadcast system and to complete and circulate the conference report.

Diabetologia and Diabetic Medicine will be approached about the possibility of publication of extracts or the full report.

To build on the success of the conference the following are planned:

1. Circulation of Report requesting official endorsement (WHO, EASD, IDF, EASDEC, EU)

2. Support and Links Network

  • Ask Conference Supporters to help establish a fund to support short training fellowships
  • Joint Initiative with ORBIS
  • Set up an Action Group to register Departments prepared to offer sponsored training fellowship

3. Run another conference in Liverpool

Of course this all requires significant work and may not all be achievable without external support.




© Ophthalmic Imaging, St. Paul's Eye Unit, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Prescot Street, Liverpool L7 8XP United Kingdom
Tel: +44 151 706 3873
Fax: +44 151 706 5934
e-mail: l.gee@liverpool.ac.uk

18-Jan-2006 13:19